In This Fast Paced World You Must Flirt Fast To Get That Girl

In the world we live in today everything goes by fast. Communication, the internet, everything. Why should dating and flirting be any different? The answer is it should not and is not. IF you take too long to approach a girl, she will be long gone. You have to move move move. Everything is fast and your flirting techniques had better be fast to. In this article I shall discuss some ways (quickly… we must move fast) for some fast flirting.

Fast Flirting the speedy approach

When you see a girl who may be interested you should approach right away. Give a look and a smile back (your first fast flirt attack) and approach. Speed here is the most important part. The longer you wait the more your nerves will begin to get to you. As this happens, you lose confidence and your approach will becomes more and more hesitant. There is no chance to make a first impression and you need yours to be good.

Always try the fast flirt

Once you start flirting with her and she reciprocates you should hopefully calm down. Being calm and collected is important. You need the self assurance. You should go for heavy flirting early as you want her to know that you are interested. Do not be a puppy dog, get in there and flirt. Try to initiate physical contact, a back rub or foot massage, or touching her gently while making a point. This adds to the sexual tension and helps with flirting greatly.

Keep an eye on her

As long as you are doing well, though, keep the flirt fast, you want to initiate contact and keep ramping up the flirting, but you also want to keep an eye on her and make sure she is still enjoying your attentions. Watch for her limits, as you approach them, slow down.

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