A Rose By Any Other Color

Giving a rose to someone you love can be very special, however if you happen to choose the wrong color of rose, the message you send can turn disastrous. With so many different rose colors, all meaning different things, it can be hard to know what to give to a friend, relative or spouse without sending a mixed message.

If you only want to go by the old standby of a red rose, then there is little else to think about. However, if you are adventurous, you can give rose of a different color. Here is what each of the main rose colors mean.

We all know that a red rose signifies love. Any husband who has had to stop at a flower shop on his way home to say sorry for a real, or imaginary, transgression towards his spouse, knows that when all else fails, it is the best way to go. Red roses are the most commonly given as gifts and it signifies an undying love for your significant other. These roses are best given to spouses, girlfriends or fiances.

In years past, yellow roses meant jealousy. Recently however, they have come to mean friendship and companionship. These roses will work well if you have a friend of the opposite sex and you want to show them how much their friendship means to you, without giving the lovers message of a red rose.

Pink roses tell the person that you are giving them to that they have elegance and you are interested in a poetic romance. A rose of this color would best be given at the start of a courtship as your way of being romantic without the need to write a poem. Appropriately called the Flower of Light, white roses signify unity, sincerity and loyalty, a perfect gift if your significant other caught you staring at someone else in a restaurant.

Purple is the color of royalty, signifying majestic glory and eternal love, these flowers make excellent anniversary gifts as they show your spouse that through it all, your heart belongs to them forever. As well, these roses are often used as memorial flowers in the death of a spouse.

It is unlikely you would give black roses to someone unless you shared a special relationship with them. Black roses, while signifying death, can also mean rebirth and rejuvenation. Perhaps the right gift after you and your spouse have gone through a troubling time.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for flowers and gifts. When shopping for flowers and gifts, we recommend you shop only at the best online stores that specialize in Right Colored Rose.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Victor_Epand/59895

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