Aquarius Relationship’s

Aquarius Man

The Aquarius man is charming and easy to get along with but can be slow in revealing how he feels. He has lots of best friends, but only one or two who really know him very well. He enjoys learning more about others and is adept at keeping the conversation going by asking thoughtful questions. No matter how unusual or esoteric the topic is, he’s ready to dive in deep and engage in a conversation. Although he has a tendency to overthink things, he also has a philosophy of going with the flow and embracing change.

The Aquarius man is a rebel, a pioneer and trailblazer of the zodiac. He sets off on his own adventures independently and walks his own spiritual path. Personal and love relationships tend to suffer or be neglected as the Aquarius male relates to society as a whole rather than on a one to one basis. He enjoys the experience of friendships and relationships, as he views life as a series of experiences that captivate his imagination and engage his intellect. He wants to experience everything there is to experience in the world! Commitment to any one person or experience can easily seem like a limitation. It takes a very special person to break through and win his heart and commitment, but once committed, he is a devoted partner.

The Aquarius man falls in love with a best friend. He needs to be with a partner with whom he can share his thoughts openly and freely, who is independent, intellectually stimulating, and willing to accept him exactly how he is. He offers the same kind of love in return. He’s a romantic at heart, and this will be the key that turns a close friendship into something more.

Aquarius Woman

Like her male counterpart, the Aquarius woman personality is individualistic, intellectual, charming, and free-spirited. On a lifelong quest to learn and to re-invent herself, she bubbles with an endless stream of new ideas to consider and new experiences to try. The Aquarius woman enjoys being a little quirky, a rebel who doesn’t easily fit into the mainstream; it’s all a part of her persona. She’ll always gravitate towards the path less taken because the last place she wants to find herself is fit into a stereotypical box of societal expectations. Although she’s attached to memories of people and experiences, she doesn’t care about traditions. She is passionate about protecting the vulnerable, and on a mission to change the world.

As much as she enjoys the stimulation of being in a close group of friends, she’s an introvert who needs her downtime to recharge. She has no interest in small talk, gossip, or drama; she hates sappy romance and expects sincerity over showy displays of praise or affection. She is interested in people who want to become more knowledgeable or evolve in their thinking. Make love to her mind, and you’ll get her attention. But to make it past the walls that guard her heart, she needs a combination of a solid friendship and courtship — she needs to feel uniquely special.

Nothing scares an Aquarian more than the loss of her autonomy, freedom, or individuality. She will want to do things others may not approve of. She will want to do things her own way, even if it means making mistakes. Try to dictate terms, make demands, or control her choices, and she will run in the opposite direction.

Aquarius in a Relationship

If an Aquarius is in your inner orbit, you’re blessed with a friend who treats you like family, who’s fun and fascinating to be around, and with whom you can talk for hours about literally anything of substance. When it comes to emotional topics, an Aquarian is an open-minded listener who can offer good advice but is unlikely to reciprocate with their own emotional disclosures. Their attention span for lengthy emotional conversations can be limited as well; after a time, their mind will start to wander and they’ll lose focus. This is not a real problem for other Air signs, who share this “energetic ADD,” or Fire Signs, who need to express their emotions in a quick burst of intensity, but it will frustrate Water Signs who require a more sustained focus on their emotional world than the typical Aquarian can muster.

Friendship is a non-negotiable for Aquarius — it is the starting point and criteria for all other relationships. The unique qualities that Aquarius brings to a relationship are a non-judgmental space that honors people’s choices and gives them room to make their own mistakes, with never an “I told you so” or implication that the friend made a mistake. For this sign, the word failure doesn’t apply. It’s all part of the process of learning and evolving in the most self-directed, freeing way possible.

Aquarians expectations of their friends are minimal: honesty, respectfulness, and independence. When applied to sex, Aquarians have no problem with casual hook-ups; they practically invented “friends with benefits!”

Dating an Aquarius

The perfect date for an Aquarius involves going to places where other people, ideas, and experiences abound. An Aquarius has no issues with double-dating, group-dating, and casually dating a lot of people at once. Live shows, museums, lectures, exotic travels, game nights, and even virtual versions of all these activities satisfy an Aquarian desire for intellectual stimulation. The independent Aquarius often uses dating apps to date casually and meet lots of interesting new people. They are generous and empathetic, often listing causes that are important to them in their online dating profiles.

With their natural unpredictability and need for space, dating an Aquarius poses some unique challenges. Just when you think everything is going well, you can find yourself ghosted, only for your Aquarius to reappear later as if nothing is wrong. Try to have a rational discussion about how you feel, and your Aquarius will patiently listen and say all the right things. Come across as clingy or emotional, and it’s over. Unless they’ve fully committed to you as The One, this is par for the course with this sign.

Aquarius Expectations in Relationship

Aquarians expect friendship in love. They’re a sign that needs to be able to say ” I married my best friend.” An Aquarian expects their partner to be their friend and sounding board, genuinely interested in their ideas and able to counter with intelligent and creative ideas of their own. Being willing to go with the flow and indulge in spontaneity and impulse is also important in a partner. An Aquarian expects that their partner will support them and have their back, that they accept them and won’t try to change them, and that they will give them the space they need.

The idea of “merging” anything in a marriage — home, money, identities is distasteful and scary to this independence-seeking sign. Aquarians loathe routine, crave spontaneity, and don’t want to have to check in with a partner before making a decision, a purchase, or to say their running late. This can be challenging for partners with more traditional expectations for their relationships. It can take a long time for an Aquarian to find a compatible match that understands and accepts this.

Aquarians can appear a bit detached but are no less loving, and once they commit, they will be very loyal life partners. But if you are looking for warm and fuzzy, or hot and steamy, Aquarius may not be the best choice, because the Aquarian will never be as sensitive and affectionate as some other sun signs, nor will they display the passionate sexuality of others. What you’re guaranteed with Aquarius is that you will have a best friend for life.

Aquarius and Sex

Because people born with an Aquarius Sun Sign inhabit more time in their heads than in their bodies, sensuality does not come naturally to them, and when it does, it may come off as a bit innocent or naïve. Fortunately, Aquarius makes up for this with a lack of sexual inhibition and a zeal for trying new positions, new toys, and new ways of making love, as well as an earnest, if not slightly clumsy desire to please their partner. The challenge for this sign is staying focused on their partner, and not slipping back into their head. This is a sign that is quite comfortable separating emotions from sex, preferring a physically satisfying experience over an emotionally transcendent one. Engaging the Aquarian’s mind and body during love making not only helps them focus, it also drives them a bit mad with desire. Take control by telling them what you plan to do to them, and exactly what you want them to do to you, and they’ll keep coming back for more.

“Respect me. Adore me. Dominate me.” #AquariusQuote

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