Bedtime Stories For Adults: You Can Apply Acting Exercises To Save Your Relationship

If we think about renowned A-list movie stars that are dating or married, do we get the notion that they know certain information (which we don’t) that can help them become closer and perpetually interested in one another? After all, they are expert artisans of their craft and they can conceive and perform stories at their own will. We will be exploring 5 main ways, taken from our bedtime stories for adults advice collection, to strengthen your love and communication.

Because it doesn’t take a professional actor to play children games, we can all apply simple acting techniques to improve and continue to feed our relationship. This is something we all must do at one point, because paid entertainment (movies, restaurants, trips) can only last so long. And Adam and Eve did not have paid entertainment – they only had themselves to use.

1. Do not use language. Everything you must say to each other will have to be expressed with you eyes, facial gestures, and body movement. Because you are now dramatically changing your patterns of communication, you’ll notice that after a few minutes, you’ll start being more affectionate and emotional. This brings interaction to its most primitive roots.

2. Look at each other’s eyes and repeat the same phrase. It doesn’t matter what you say, as long as both of you say the same thing over and over again, i.e. “You can hurt me.” Maybe it is a bit awkward at the beginning and it makes both of you giggle. But after a few minutes, you’ll both be relaxed enough that you’ll start to feel emotional. And the words you are repeating will suddenly gain all sorts of new meaning.

3. Be your favorite movie star for a day. Elizabeth Taylor once said that her Dad used to ask her every day, “who do you want to be today?”, and that’s who she’d be, for a day. Be courageous and establish with your partner that tonight when you come home, you’ll be Humphrey Bogart and she’ll be Marilyn Monroe. Forget yourselves and live life through the persona of your idols.

4. Enter a world of massive imagination. Lock the door, shut the lights, and in the darkness, follow your voices. Now, open your mind to believe that you can be anywhere, with anything around you. You can be in the deep jungles of Africa, with danger surrounding the both of you, and you must hold each other tight and watch each other’s back. Or you can simply be having a coffee in Paris.

5. Narrate a tale with lots of imagination. It may be a bit rough at first but if you keep moving on, you’ll find that it’s simpler than you expected. The trick is to keep adding visuals and to be extremely specific, in spite of not knowing where the story will end. Both you and your other half will be deeply invested in it. This free form of entertainment can go on for hours and you will still be interested.

There is so much paid entertainment all around us that we are in danger of losing touch with each other and most importantly, our own primal instincts as human beings. Practice these techniques every day and embrace story telling, and you’ll soon be ready for more advanced-level bedtime stories for adults tips that will bring your relationship to unimaginable heights.

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