Find A Compatible Life Partner Using Astrology

Can Astrology Help You Find a Compatible Life Partner?

Personality trait is one area of astrology that never fails. Assigning characteristics to individuals with reference to their birth charts and sun signs is the oldest and the most successful aspect of astrological science.

In terms of forecast and speculations different school of thoughts have their own inclinations with reference to their research and likewise they implement and interpret the movements of planets in various houses and astrological zones. Personality traits of common signs are the common grounds where all schools of thought agree. These personality traits effect in terms of elements (fire, air, earth, water) and with their operatives inclinations (cardinal, fixed, mutable).

Finding a compatible partner with reference to their individual traits is very effective and highly reliable. Following are some details that will give you a basic idea of how compatible astrology signs work.

Element Compatibility:

Air & Fire: Air and fire are partner elements on natural grounds. If you are a fire sign, you’ll feel really pleasant in the company of air signs. They will entice your thoughts and share the same life patterns and philosophies. The elements form a natural combination. People belonging to these elements are aggressive and pro-active. Just like a twister(air) and jungle fire (fire). They may appear aggressive apparently, but it does not take a long time for them to cool down and get back to normal. They forget what had happened in minimum course of time. Generally they are considered highly volatile and mercuric in nature.

Following is the chart of Air & Fire Astrological Compatibility:

Air & Fire: Aries / Leo / Sagittarius
Libra: No / Yes / Yes
Aquarius: Yes / No / Yes
Gemini: Yes / Yes / No

Earth & Water: Water exists inside Earth. It constitutes a large portion of earth. Just like Air & Fire are compatible; Earth signs and Water signs are naturally attracted or inclined to each others’ energies. They naturally complement each other and thus create a winning combination. They too feel equally consumed and comfortable in each other like Air & Fire partners.

Following is the chart of Air & Fire Astrological Compatibility:

Earth & Water: Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces
Capricorn: No / Yes / Yes
Taurus: Yes / No / Yes
Virgo: Yes / Yes / No

Operational Quality:

There are other numerous factors responsible for your astrological compatibility. These include areas like numerology, rising sign and natal birth chart etc. Other vital factors for compatibility include operational inclinations, in which similar operational styles clash, while rest of them combine successfully. Cardinal-Cardinal / Fixed-Fixed / Mutable-Mutable don’t work out well. The following chart constitutes all signs with their respective operational category.

Cardinal-Starters Fixed-Organizers Mutable-Executors
Aries *
Taurus *
Gemini *
Cancer *
Leo *
Virgo *
Libra *
Scorpio *
Sagittarius *
Capricorn *
Aquarius *
Pisces *

Astrology can help you in finding a compatible partner. It is a vast subject, but this article discusses the basics and guide you how too use them for finding winning combinations. Check now for fun, learn and everyone.

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