I Think Of You In The Shower Every Day

Imagine that blonde bombshell you’ve had your eye on for a while… or that busty brunette, if you’re more into brunettes… telling you these exact words! How awesome would that be? Pretty awesome, right?

Here’s how to do it!

True story, btw.

Once upon a time, I met this hot blonde. We were just chatting and having fun when for god knows what reason, the subject of showers came up. So, I jokingly told her…

“You’ll see… the next time you take a shower… and you hold the showerhead in your hand… I’ll pop into your mind… and the more you try to resist it… the more you’ll think of me!”

Unknowingly, I did something called a hypnotic suggestion!

But since I did it in a joking and teasing way, I got away with it without looking like a weirdo! Btw, I honestly had no idea what I was doing.

But hot diggity, it worked!

It stuck with her.

Cause next time I saw her, she told me, “You a-hole! I think about you in the shower every day now!”

I didn’t even get what she was talking about at first cause I had forgotten what happened. So she had to remind me, “Every time I hold the damn shower-head, I have to think about what you told me last time.”

What happened, my badass friend is…

She got anchored to me!

And if you don’t know what anchoring is, just think of the Pavlov experiment. Pavlov gave food to a dog while ringing a bell. So, the dog began to associate the bell with food. When Pavlov rang the bell without giving food, the dog salivated cause he had anchored the bell with getting food.

This brings me to a powerful lesson:

If you know how to make a woman “feel” attraction in your presence (and there are tricks for that, believe me), she’ll anchor that feeling of attraction to YOU! And once she does that, each time she sees you or even merely thinks about you, she’ll feel attraction! And when THAT happens, she’ll SEE you as an attractive guy… no matter if you’re short, bald, fat, or butt-ugly.


One of the tricks is to literally use the shower conversation tip. Next time you talk to a woman, just bring up the topic of showers during your conversation. And once you do, simply repeat the phrase I used earlier in this article! But do it in a cheeky, funny way. Not in a creepy, hypnotic way!

Have fun!

Nick Neeson is the world’s leading dating coach for introverted men and the highest-paid dating consultant on the planet. He founded Introverted Badass to help smart, introverted men become badass with women, without being someone they’re not. Introverted Badass is the market leader for introverted men looking to improve their dating skills naturally and without using lies, tricks, or manipulation.

If you want to learn more tricks and hacks as simple as the one I shared in this article, simply download my Top 100 Dating Hacks, right here: https://www.introvertedbadass.com/ib-top-100-dating-hacks/

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nick_Neeson/2916313

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