Soul Mates – Finding True Love And Commitment

Finding your true Soul Mate is something that many people hope to do. We all long for that one special person in our lives to make everything wonderful. We want to live the fairy-tale life and find our very own Prince or Princess Charming. We know that somehow that would make our lives complete.

Finding that one true love, someone that we want to be with for a lifetime, can be a difficult task. We seem to find more frogs than princes while on that eternal quest for true love. Perhaps there are a few things that we have either overlooked, over-glamorized, or misunderstood.

Think for a minute. What qualities do you think that the love of your life, that perfect Soul Mate, would possess? Would they love you unconditionally, put you on a pedestal, take away all of your tears, make you happy, make you feel secure, and bring you fulfillment? Ah yes, that would be sweet, and very nice, indeed.

But let me ask you, what qualities would that Soul Mate you seek find in you at this very moment? Have you done an honest critique lately of your strong points and your weak points? Perhaps you should, because there is a Universal Law that says “Like Attracts Like”.

“Oh my, you mean that I have to be operating at my highest and best level in order to draw to me the perfect lover and companion?” “You mean I have to think about what qualities I have to offer another person as well?”

Oh yes, that is the key.

Now, I know that many of you have some very beautiful qualities, and are kind and loving and caring and giving, and still that all important person is missing from your life. And I know that life doesn’t always seem to be fair. So you ask, “What can I do to change my situation?”

Here is a list of things you can do:

    • Make a list of qualities that you desire in a mate.
    • Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 about those qualities. Be honest. Begin everyday to cultivate and expand those qualities in your own life. Remember, “Like Attracts Like.” Maybe that will require changes in attitude, expectations, or limited thinking.
    • Forgive yourself and anyone else who has ever hurt you or let you down. Make a list of people or situations that keep you from loving to your fullest. Say a prayer and ask to be assisted in letting the hurt go. Forgiveness plays a huge role in allowing love into your life.
    • Surround yourself with beautiful things. That doesn’t mean that you have to spend a lot of money to do this. Pick some pretty flowers and put them in a lovely vase. Use your favorite colors in your surroundings. Take a chance and paint a wall in your favorite color, or add some lovely pillows in a silky or a velvety fabric. Make your environment one that you love to be in, one that uplifts you, one that heals your heart.
    • Create. If you love to paint, then paint! If you enjoy creating things with clay or designing things or sewing, or gardening, then by all means do it. If you are a musician and love to play music, then allow yourself the time to do that. Even if you just love to listen to or dance to certain types of music, then you must find space within your schedule to do the things that you love. If you have a hobby that you are passionate about like golfing, surfing, hiking, etc. you must, must, must allow yourself time to pursue it.
    • Give yourself beautiful experiences. Find some time each day to spend in Nature. Sit under a tree and breathe in some fresh air. Go to your favorite park, or to a hilltop overlooking the ocean or a lake, looking for the beauty in nature. Watch an uplifting movie, listen to positive music, read a self help book, listen to motivational tapes, say prayers, meditate, do something nice for someone else.

You see, these kinds of activities heal the heart. If you have a wounded heart it is difficult to draw that perfect Soul Mate into your life. Universal Law states that “Like Attracts Like”. Perhaps you’ve noticed that you’ve only drawn other wounded people into your life. Since they were looking to get their needs met through you, and you were looking to get your needs met through them, then nobody got what they needed because each partner had some emptiness inside. Who wants to be with someone who is needy?

The answer is to begin to find ways to fill up that emptiness in your own life. By healing your heart and filling your life with beauty, joy, nature, music, and all of the things that you love, you become whole again. And you no longer need to have a partner in your life just to “complete you”. Relationships that begin like that usually lead to eventual resentment.

As you become whole again, people will begin to be drawn into your life in greater numbers. You are no longer needy. You are now overflowing with loving energy, and you become very magnetic. Magnetic people draw other people to them naturally.

While you are out in the world filling yourself up with the things that you love, you will begin to meet new people that are also living their lives to the fullest, and who aren’t looking for someone else to give them what they need.

While you are pursuing your favorite hobbies and activities and loving life and living it to it’s fullest your chances increase of finding your Soul Mate.

So it really comes down to you. You really do have the power to create real love in your life, and in so doing shift your personal energy field from a state of being needy to a state of being magnetic.

It’s only by loving yourself, and by living your life to the fullest that you will find true happiness, and perhaps true love.

With a strong background in Alternative Healing methods since 1987, Sherry brings all of those tools to the table and integrates them into her powerful Tarot Readings, EFT Clearing Sessions and Hypnosis Healing work. Her background includes Tarot, Angel and Spirit Guide Communication, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, EFT aka Emotional Freedom Technique, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Intuitive Coaching and Counseling, Aura Interpretation and Balancing, and Law of Attraction Work.

Sherry has worked with thousands of people to bring balance and healing to their lives through one-on-one sessions, group presentations, workshops, distance healing and telephone consultations. She has written numerous articles and has appeared on television and radio, as well as having participated in countless Health Expos and Self-Help Events. Her uplifting and empowering presentation style is light-hearted and joyful, and makes transforming your life easy and fun.

For more from Sherry Sims visit

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