The Aries Man — You’ll Need Stamina To Reel This One In

How to Attract an Aries Man – You’ll Need Stamina to Reel This One In.

Is there a guy you have spotted and you just found out he is an Aries? Do you want to know what makes an Aries guy tick? Have you noticed that he seems to stand out from the other guys, can be a little intimidating but you are intrigued and want to know how to attract an Aries man? If so, be ready to take on a challenge. The guy you have your sights on may be a handful, but it can be a wild ride if you’re up for the challenge.

You Are Woman

Aries men like women who are all woman. They aren’t looking for a shrinking violet, someone who plays coy or who is shy. That is an immediate turn off and they will move on before you ever have a chance with them. They have huge egos, and want a woman who compliments them. They like a woman who can be a bit of a showpiece; someone who validates their manhood. Who says to others that he is all guy because his woman is all woman.

Hang On for the Ride

In the bedroom Aries men like to take if fast and furious. They like to be in control and want a partner with stamina. Don’t expect roses, poems and ballads on the radio. These guys like their women rockin hot outside the bedroom and inside as well. You don’t have to keep up with them but they will want you to. So be prepared because this is not going to be a candlelit dinner in a romantic restaurant kind of event.

Keep it Feminine

Aries men like their women feminine. They like long flowing hair, a soft look. They aren’t into the biker chick look, so don’t even bother. The want a romantic relationship even though they can be a bull in the bedroom.

Don’t Challenge Him

Aries men don’t like to be challenged by their lady. They like control. They can fly off the handle if you challenge them too much. Remember they have big egos and this goes for debates of any kind. They like to dominate and they like to win. Better still, they prefer not to be challenged.

Be Thick Skinned

Because Aries men have big egos and don’t like to be challenged, especially in public, you need to be thick skinned. It is not that they are insensitive to women, it is just that they will want have their needs met and if so will be more than happy to oblige. They may seem uncaring because of this, but it is because Aries men tend to be a bit more self-centered and so you simply need to understand this if you want to have a relationship with one.

A Wild Ride

With an Aries man you need to be ready to let his impulses take you constantly to new places and try new things. These men thrive on new and different and want a partner who is impulsive and ready to take on new challenges on a whim. You won’t be bored with an Aries man. But, if your idea of a good time is a book in front of the fireplace, you will be disappointed. High energy and adventure is the order of the day with an Aries man.

So now that you have some idea of what an Aries man is all about and know how to attract an Aries man, make sure you are ready to go for a wild ride and have the time of your life.

Evangeline Harris is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives.

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