Woman To Woman — How To Go About Wowing Your Partner

Women Looking for Women – How to Go About Wowing Your Partner.

A woman looking to wow her partner of the same sex does not have to consider it rocket science when it is as same as dating a man. Women looking for women are no longer shy to say so and men are OK with that. It is a practical solution to if you feel more in sync with a partner of your own sex and feel the relationship is much better on those grounds. A lot of live in partners are women as well. Women looking for women or men looking for men are no longer a daunting issue like it used to be. What can you do to send sparks flying, here are a few tips.

1. Talk

This is a starting point out for you guys. Whether you have been introduced by friends or met online and are meeting voluntarily, it is important to talk and communicate. You can hardly move along without a decent sit down talk or talking while taking a walk. Communicate as you will realize your likes, dislikes and much more. You will be able to decide if you want to take it further or not.

2. Flirt

For something is a great idea but some think they will have to learn it. If anything, this comes naturally one you are next to the right person. Flirting can lighten up the mood as well as introduce some spark in to the talk or all along. You can also use it to hint that you want this relationship to go forward and explore all possibility. A partner who flirts or can flirt back is exciting most times unless you meet someone uptight.

3. Make it special

Once you have settled a little ground work, try to do things normal couples do. Go out have fun, plan and evening, make it exciting. Just talk will not keep things bustling but doing things for each other or make weekends special can make life a lot more fun. Also your partner will appreciate you and like you more for your effort. It shows caring.

4. Share

Share things about you, get personal and close, go for a trip, increase your intimacy level both verbally and otherwise depending on both partners’ consent. Intimacy is all about being comfortable and letting inhibitions go. Once a couple have began to open up you will realize their relationship will blossom even more.

Does any of this come different for women looking for women or men seeking women? Nope, as all relationships need a solid foundation to work on. If any relationship wants to work however short or long, the partners will have to work at it. Couples like Portia and Ellen are role models. so is Cynthia Nixon with her partner of long time.

If your partner happens to be married, it is for you to decide if you are OK with it that way or would like to move together as a proper couple. Either way happiness is the goal.

If you would like to join millions of other women seeking to have a relationship with another woman, click here.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sara_Keane/625408

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5405466


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