The Secret To Flirting Through Text

While guys might not hang to every word that a girl says through text, the opposite holds true for the opposite sex. Aside from hanging onto every word, girls also save various text messages like they were treasures and even show them to their girl friends sometimes. Flirting through text may not be easy in the beginning, but if you do things right, you could end up with your own ringtone in her mobile phone in no time – believe it.

The secret to flirting through text is to figure out which emotional buttons to push in a girl. The easiest ways to do this would be through teasing and playful messages. As sweet as texting a girl “good morning, gorgeous” every morning might be, messages like that simply won’t cut it anymore. You have to be funny, light and sarcastic all at the same time, as well. This means that you can’t just use boring facts when texting her, either, like telling her how your day went. This definitely won’t drive a girl crazy. In fact, it might just make her yawn and walk away.

What you want to do is condition a girl the way Pavlov did with his dog. You have to use flirting through text to trigger emotional anchors in her. She has to get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside whenever she sees a message from you on her phone, and she has to feel her heart racing with excitement, too. If you succeed at doing this, then you can easily reel her in. Other things that you can do is text her to build up the anticipation. One great way to do this would be to ask yourself if your text will succeed at making her smile before sending it.

Naturally, you will also have to consider the fact that a lot of guys will be flirting through text with the girl that you like. The good news is that most of these guys won’t have any idea what they are doing because they just don’t know how to be playful or funny through text to begin with. This means that they will probably just be sending your dream girl boring text messages that don’t actually stimulate her emotional side. To be different, you have to get a girl going and push the right buttons through text, so that she won’t be able to wait to see you again.

How to make her fall in love with you over text? You will be amazed at how quickly and effectively the result is once you have learned these simple techniques.

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