Sex And The Workplace? Five Dangers Of Hooking Up At Work And How To Handle Collegial Booty Calls

Have you ever felt undeniably attracted to a coworker? Have you wondered if it is OK to have sex or hook up with a coworker? Have you ever had one too many at an office party and gone home with a client or coworker? Do you know someone else who did? Then this article may be for you!

Most companies have strict policies about work relationships, and support employees maintaining professional relationships that do not include sexual relationships because of legal issues and because of potential loss of productivity or employees because of rumors and drama!

Although it may be very tempting to act on your desire or impulse, here are some tips to keep in mind if you want to enjoy your work relationships and stay out of trouble at work.

Here are some dangers of sex in the workplace.

Danger #1: “Happy Hour Hookups”. Coworkers sometimes go out for drinks together after work. While it is OK to socialize, some people have one-too many drinks and end up going home with someone from work. The risk of this includes losing your job or your credibility with coworkers.

Danger #2: “Sleeping Your Way to the Bottom” If you become sexually involved with bosses or people who report to you, you can have a sexual harassment suit filed against you, lose your job, or be forced to resign.

Danger #3: “The Hot Air Balloon Ride”. The gossip floats around offices as people share “hot air” with the latest juicy tid bits. People feed on the news, and it makes you look bad. If you are building teams or trying for a promotion, it may be a deal-breaker.

Danger #4: “The Morning After Blues”. Remember, the person you hook up with is the person you have to see around the office. This can be uncomfortable for a good long time, if not permanently while you are both working there.

Danger #5: Avoid flirting making sexual comments or jokes with coworkers. You can be sued for harassment. Plus, it makes others uncomfortable and is not polite. If others flirt or make comments to you, then ask them to stop. If they don’t stop, you can report them to a supervisor or to your human resource department.

Now that you know the dangers, you can now decide if it’s worth the risk to respond to the collegial booty call. One of my coaching clients was forced to walk away from a long contract because they had a sexual relationship with someone at the company who later turned on them and sabotaged their reputation and ability to do business with that company.

So what is an alternative? If you are single looking for a hook up, then why not play in someone else’s play pen? You can date or pick a person up who is not your coworker. That way, you can have a no strings attached encounter, if that is what you are looking for.

I hope that these success tips are helpful to promoting your health and happiness while you are on the clock, and off.

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