Dating A Virgo

Dating A Virgo

In dating, a Virgo will probably need his or her date to do most of the work of initiating. Someone who’s a bit more naturally flirtatious and aggressive, yet honest and open will help get things started. Virgos can be a little clueless or awkward in the initial stages of the dating process. Sex is a very intimate thing for Virgos, and they will take the time to vet their potential partners rather than settle for a casual hookup. They have to trust and respect you on some level before entering into a sexual relationship.

Virgos want to learn as much as they can about potential lovers and are genuinely interested in what you have to say. They also have an understated, sometimes dry sense of humor, to help put you at ease. Virgos are often very clever and love having deep discussions. They like seeing how other people think. It doesn’t matter how old the relationship is, Virgo will always want to know what’s on your mind.

Virgo’s favorite dates include low-key outings. A picnic at a favorite park or an afternoon at a coffee shop are good choices. The venue doesn’t matter as much as the company they are with. It’s tricky to plan a romantic getaway because they are so pragmatic. But make sure to leave time for unstructured activities and connecting with one another.

Virgo In A Relationship

As a friend, Virgo is loyal and honest to a fault. They are the kind of friend who will let you know when something is a terrible idea but will be there to help you pick up the pieces if you go through with it anyway. A Virgo friend isn’t the easiest to get to know. You may start getting acquainted when you get a glimpse of their humor. Virgos are too shy to be the class clown but are very low-key funny, specially equipped to see through the ridiculous aspects of life and skewer them verbally. Virgo is picky about who they call friends though. Be assured that if you have a Virgo as a close friend, it’s because they see something they admire about you. They will give you frank advice (sometimes whether you ask for it or not) and stay at your side through whatever life throws at you.

As a lover, Virgo’s walls come down to reveal a responsive and romantic partner who is unfailingly loyal, and earnest. If sex begins with the mind, Virgo’s mind offers irresistible sex appeal. Virgo is a surprisingly passionate lover, wanting very much to please their beloved. They do not play games and are repulsed by those who do. Keep it honest and keep it real with Virgo. Love assets for the Virgo Sun Sign are gentleness, faithfulness, and honesty. The love challenges for those born under the Virgo zodiac sign are having a hard time relaxing and learning to trust their partner.

Virgo Expectations In Relationship

For those born under the Virgo Sun Sign, love means a steady relationship with someone who is as committed as they are to creating a stable and comfortable life. Virgos have an abundance of loyalty and expect their partners to be the same way. They need a partner who offers the same level of reliability and compassion they so readily give to others. Respect, thoughtfulness, responsibility, and faithfulness are just some of the ‘traditional’ values Virgos expect in a relationship. They prefer a discreet and mature person who doesn’t fall apart at every crisis or invite drama at every turn because as much as they like to fix things, they really want to focus on the more important aspirations and life goals and look for a partner who is similarly inclined.

The way to Virgo’s heart is to commit the small details to memory. Know that after a hard day at work, then after dinner and listening to everyone else’s day, and then after her work out, she likes to read and snack on a 3 oz bag of organic kale chips, unless she’s really stressed and then will have exactly one individually wrapped square of organic dark chocolate with 6 oz of red wine and talk about her day. He prefers to follow a long day at the office with a 3-mile run through the neighborhood, followed by a dinner while he catches up on home life and helps with whatever problem solving is needed, then an hour more for work emails, and finally an hour to stream the latest episode of the current detective series, with his martini, shaken, not stirred… at which point there’s no need to talk about whatever was stressing him three hours ago. Virgo adores a partner who understands their patterns, indulges the details, and lavishes them with praise that is genuine and heartfelt.

Although they have a reputation for being high maintenance, Virgos are actually very forgiving of faults. They don’t demand perfection in anyone but themselves, so having a partner who loves them unconditionally can help them cope with this aspect of their personality. They love to be helpful and feel appreciated for their intellect and problem-solving. They appreciate directness and candor in their relationships; they can handle emotionality with understanding and care. They’re self-aware enough to value traits in a partner that balance their own tendencies, seeing in this a source of strength for the relationship even if makes things a little harder at times. Virgos also believe they can fix anything, including relationships that aren’t working. It takes a lot for them to decide to leave, but once they are gone, they’re gone for good.


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