Leos And Relationships

Leo in a Relationship

As a friend, Leo is as loyal as they come. They will always be on their friends’ side in a public argument, even if they are chewing their friend out in private, and they expect the same loyalty in return. They have a very strong notion of friendship (even if they tend to consider themselves the unofficial leader of a group) and will be there when you need it, no questions asked. Leos are always down for a good time. They’re huge flirts but can play the role of wingman/ wing-woman when needed.

As a lover, Leo is voracious. They put as much passion into their loving as they do in all the other areas of their life. Unabashedly flirtatious, they use their leonine charm on potential lovers. But at heart, they are closet romantics, hoping to find a fun lover who can appreciate them. Love assets for the Leo Sun Sign are passion, responsiveness, and charm. The love challenges for those born under the Leo zodiac sign are being dramatic, demanding, and a tendency to fixate on their own issues.

Dating a Leo

In dating, Leo likes to take the initiative. They are demonstrative partners and enjoy a decent amount of public displays of affection in their relationships. Leos like to talk about the things they are passionate about. They almost have a child-like enthusiasm when it comes to the topics near and dear to their hearts. Leos have a loose association with the word ‘restraint’ and can go over the top when it comes to romantic gestures. They can’t help it. As they fall in love, the lion turns into a contented kitten, purring in your lap. When they fall, they fall hard.

Although Leos have a reputation for self-involvement, they love to lavish their partner with attention and affection. With the right motivation, Leos really are capable of not focusing on themselves to take the time to treat their partner like gold.

A Leo’s favorite dates include anything that feels energetic and fun: a night out dancing, an afternoon horseback riding, or bicycle riding, for example. A little friendly competition is also fun for them, like tennis, bowling, or other sports. When planning a romantic getaway, leave space in your itinerary for fun, physical activity. Your Leo lover might enjoy getting to walk on the beaches of Hawaii, or on one of the Caribbean islands.

Leo Expectations in Relationship

For those born under the Leo Sun Sign, love means sharing a life of fun and passion with someone who encourages them. They are deeply loyal when they find someone who returns their wholehearted adoration.

You might not think it when you first meet them, but family is important to Leo. The Sun’s position in the Fifth House rules creativity, birth, and raising children. Leos love having children — it’s an opportunity to create smaller versions of themselves and share their love of culture and the world with their children. It’s also important to them to be part of a close loving unit. They may use all their Leo charm to impress your parents when they meet them. They’ll want to impress their own parents and friends by bragging about you and expect you to do your part to dazzle them too.

Leos want to look up to their partners. Drama attracts them, and their fiery nature makes them want to move impetuously. Because they so love the thrill of the chase, the mystery, and the adoration of new love, they can discover that they were more in love with love than the individual they chose to be in a relationship with. Fortunately, of all the Fire signs, they’re the most capable of waiting for the right person to come along before making a commitment — they know they deserve nothing less than the best. And once they’ve committed, their loyalty is legendary. Just remember that Leo needs to feel noticed and needed by their partner in order to thrive.

More than anything else in life, Leo wants respect. If you’re in a relationship with a Leo, allow them to save face in any battle. Don’t ever criticize them in public. Tread lightly if you feel the need to disagree with a recollection or a statement if others are present, and never let them feel that you are criticizing them behind their back either. Leo is a very proud sign and will speak for the couple as the royal “We” — and genuinely not understand why a partner might prefer to express themselves as an individual, when together you can dazzle on the stage of life.

Leo and Sex

Leo is a passionate and enthusiastic lover. They approach lovemaking with the same exuberance with which they approach life. They can be very spontaneous when it comes to initiating romantic interludes, but don’t mind taking their time to make sure that you are both fully satisfied in the encounter. Leo likes getting feedback to know that their efforts are appreciated.

Best Compatibility with Leo

Energetic and vivacious, the most compatible signs with Leo are other Fire Signs — specifically Aries and Sagittarius, and Air Signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, who feed their passionate natures. The least compatible signs with Leo are Water and Earth Signs — Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Of these, some are particularly challenging, where an initial attraction tends to obscure some fundamental incompatibilities. Specifically, Leo may be drawn to the sensual, mysterious, and devoted Scorpio, but drown in Scorpio’s depth and need for equal power. Leo and Capricorn may be drawn to one another’s appearance, reputation, and ambition, seeing in one another the route to living out their dreams at scale, but Capricorn can destroy Leo’s self-esteem with criticism, and Leo can exhaust Capricorn with a constant need for attention.

Keep in mind that compatibility is driven by more than your Sun Sign and its associated Element and Mode. Knowing where the Ascendant, Moon and Venus appear in your chart and that of your partner or person of interest can help you understand zodiac compatibility at a deeper level as these positions can mitigate or overcome incompatibility at the Sun Sign level.

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