The Leo Man — The Leo Woman

Leo Man

The Leo man personality oozes charm and sexual magnetism. His confident energy draws all eyes to him when he walks in a room. Leo is the ‘sun king’ of any gathering who knows how to make the person he’s with feel like royalty too. Once he decides on a mate, he’ll go out of his way to make sure they feel protected and cherished. The high energy and drive with which he pursues his goals often make him successful and well-known in his field.

Leo loves the thrill of the hunt. His outgoing nature often has him meeting new people. And sex with him is also electric and energetic. But Leo can get tired of empty conquests, especially if they don’t feed his need to be truly adored. Although they may seem to have something of the playboy about them, Leos are very happy in committed relationships. Once he makes the decision to settle down, he follows through with it.

The Leo man is a very energetic Fiery sign, so he likes a partner that can fit with his high energy lifestyle. He may not be as impulsive as the other fire signs, but no Leo likes feeling caged in. You’ll have to develop some extroverted tendencies to keep up with Leo. You can read more about the rewards and challenges of Loving a Leo Man in this article by Psychic Iris which further describes Leo man characteristics.

Leo Woman

With the Sun as her ruling planet, the personality traits of the Leo woman embody irresistible charm and regality. She wants to be courted like the rock star she believes herself to be and will let you know if you are moving too fast or too slow for her liking. She will also let you know that she doesn’t need to have a partner to be happy; she’s especially independent. But when she finds the one she wants she won’t play coy or let anything get in her way.

Like her male counterpart, the Leo woman is an outgoing dynamo, so while she doesn’t mind a little downtime, she really enjoys activities that are more physical. If they have a competitive aspect to them, even better, as she likes knowing when she’s the best at something (or learning what it is she needs to do to become the best). She doesn’t do anything low-key, so even if she takes on volunteer roles, she will throw all of her energy behind her chosen causes and may eventually rise to a leadership role.

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