Disturbing Things I Do On The Phone With Women

Back in the day, when I suspected a woman was going to flake, one of my tactics was to call her before meeting her. I discovered it reduced flaking by a lot. Once on the phone, I did something I think women would find disturbing! In fact, I’m pretty sure if they knew what I was doing, they would freak out and maybe even call the cops on me.

You curious?

Wanna know what I did?


I’ll tell you…


Alright, alright, fine, FINE… I’ll tell you now… (Gee!)


So here we go…

Most times, while on the phone with a woman, I would hold a knife in my hand!

Don’t worry.

It wasn’t a butcher’s knife or anything like that.

It was my Swiss Army knife.

Now, why would I play with my Swiss Army knife while on the phone with a beautiful woman? Am I some sort of whack job who fantasizes about cutting chicks into pieces on the phone?

Of course not!

So why did I do this?

A smart neuroscientist discovered a link between your hands and the creative side of your brain. You might have noticed that when you’re playing with a pen, a stress ball, or even just a paperclip, solutions for some of your most nagging problems just pop into your head. And when you’re on the phone with a woman and want to have a free-flowing conversation, methinks it’s a good thing to be creative!


That’s why I often held something in my hand while on the phone.

Sometimes it would be my Swiss Army knife, sometimes a pen, sometimes one of those stress balls (you know, the ones that were pretty popular back in the day).

Which brings your knife-wielding narrator to the point:

One of the best things you can do to get more dates from online dating is to suggest a virtual date first.

It can be a video call or a phone call. It doesn’t matter.

What matters is this:

When you’re on your virtual date, have something in your hand to play with.

You’ll be more creative.

It’s that simple!

Oh, and if you’re wondering how to set up a virtual date, it’s also simple. After you’ve been chatting for a while online, suggest a virtual date just as you would suggest a regular date. There’s really nothing different about it.

For example:

“You seem like a fun person. Let’s have a video chat so we can talk like real people. Do you prefer Skype or Facetime?”

I hope this helps you as much as it helped me.

To learn more online dating hacks that work specifically well for introverted men, register for my free online dating masterclass right here: https://www.IntrovertedBadass.com/Free-Online-Dating-Masterclass

Nick Neeson is the world’s leading dating coach for introverted men and the highest-paid dating consultant on the planet. He founded Introverted Badass to help smart, introverted men become badass with women, without being someone they’re not. Introverted Badass is the market leader for introverted men looking to improve their dating skills naturally and without using lies, tricks, or manipulation.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nick_Neeson/2916313

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10454341


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