The Bisexual Dating Dilemma

Sexual orientation is something that one does not have a choice about and even in this modern world most of us progressive humans have some difficulty in believing that. Even till not so long ago, being gay or homosexual was considered straight out bad. While that perception has somewhat changed today, and there is more acceptance of gay and lesbians, there is another section of the society that still is a victim of marginalization. We are talking about the bisexual community here.

Insensitivity towards bisexuals is a real issue

The dating scene for a bisexual is difficult, and even the best of the dating websites do not do much to help on this regard. Make no mistake! There are plenty of choices you do have while finding a partner on a bisexual dating website. That is not where the problem lies. The real problem is with the attitude of people at large about bisexual orientation. It’s just that we, who call ourselves progressive and modern don’t quite make the effort to understand them in the first place.

For instance, the first dating mistake that people make while dating a bisexual is asking their partner whether they prefer sex with a man or a woman! This is downright humiliating for someone who is bisexual. It’s not like he or she is constantly checking out everybody and lusting after everyone. Just like a straight or a gay person they have standards and limits and make a gender choice based on their feelings. Many of the bisexuals who eventually get married, do so based upon love. So if you are dating a bisexual do not ask them what they “prefer” in terms of a sexual liaison. If they are out with you, it means that they have chosen to be with you!


Bisexuals are not “confused”

This is another perception that can absolutely ruin your relationship with your bisexual partner. People often have the perception that bisexuals are in a perpetual state of confusion and are in a transitionary phase. It is often believed that they will either “turn” straight or “gay”. While it is normal to worry whether your bisexual partner will have feelings for another man or woman, it is not so because of his sexual orientation. A straight man or a woman in a relationship or a gay couple may fall out of love and look for comfort outside the precincts of marriage or relationships. That is true of bisexual couples too. If you have chosen to enter into a relationship with a bisexual partner, concentrate on being the best “you” and try and consolidate your relationship based on your feelings and not just the sexual orientation of your partner.

Choosing a person from a bisexual dating website is difficult, but if you have plunged into the dating game, look for websites that have been in business for a long time now and give you the option of sending out emails to those who are single, sexy and are looking out at exploring their sexuality.

A good bisexual dating website is one that will give you the option of a bisexual search, will have blogs and videos about bisexuality and will treat you the same as they would treat a straight or a gay person. If you do not have such options on a dating website, that’s a clear sign that you’ve got to stay away!

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